OK, so that line has seen better....and funnier days. It is wore out now but it will find new life with the new MP Detachment on the VBC, the 939th, State of Indiana. As for now, our buddies from the 143rd out of Montana are going home. The 143rd proved to be very good friends to the South Victory Fire Department, taking part in a prank war that had some really good moments on both sides. We will truly miss these guys and can only hope their replacements will be as entertaining as they were. Here are pictures of some of the guys and pranks......
Safe travels and best to you all back home!
Ferocious.......like a bunch of kittens!
Tanner before his morning coffee and donuts!
They tried to sell our Engine! TP the MP!
Even he had to laugh.
Lord knows where these got handed out.
Thats right, be proud and sign it!!
OK, thats combat firefighting!
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