Saturday, December 13, 2008


Kevin Costner was in rehab for this sequel and Leonardo DiCaprio got a restraining order filed against us when we finally decided to make this "Big-budget Boat movie combo-sequel" in Iraq. Lucky for us Saddam kept a small fleet here on the Victory Base Camp and he is dead so we can do what we want with them. Unless someone with a machine gun tells us not to.....then we can't. Nobody stopped us so here are a few production stills from our new feature film.....enjoy!

This is our soundstage in Baghdad, structural engineers tell us we have 2 to 4 weeks to use it before it collapses into the canal.

OK, I want this to be the big finale, the money shot location!!! Oops, it's not that kind of movie.

Yeah, if those piles on top of the boats look familiar to some of you it is because it is pigeon shit...I think they imported the birds from Manhattan, because the native birds here don't crap enough all over stuff.


Ah Iraq, a pure and soverign nation, unscathed by the grips of commercialism..........until now! It was only a matter of time we rubbed off on this place.....ok, mind out of the gutter! Although I didn't expect it already, the time is ripe for commerce to rear its greedy head in Baghdad. It started a few months back with the construction of a gas station, complete with lighted signs to entice anyone driving through the desert needing fuel. Now, True Value Hardware is in the neighborhood and I can only assume others will follow..........I'm waiting on COSTCO......if that comes I may never leave!!!!

Mikey and I had an overwhelming need to document this event!

Powerlines are going up everywhere.


Some of you may remember Josh, way back when he was a FNG, Mikey and I took him along on our excellent adventure to Camp Slayer when he first arrived here in Baghdad. Josh has become a treasured part of our extended family.........I'm forced to say that because he collects guns, knives, bow and arrows, large blunt objects and other weapons of moderate destruction he could hurt me with. I'm kidding of course ( No.....I me!), Josh is a great kid and a hard worker and he is a valued part of our Station 2 family.

Anyway, Josh had a way of alerting other members of the Firehouse if a respectable looking girl was in the vicinity, he would say "skee-skee!". I'm not really sure what it meant but when Mikey and I visited Saddams former skeet shooting facility, we both said "skee-skee!". It made more sense at the time and it seemed like a good segue into this post...........I swear I'll do better next time! On to the pictures, pictures, pictures!

Go figure, Saddam spent a lot of time in holes in the ground, sound familiar??

No, I'm not really throwing it at the camera. Are you fuckin crazy, thats expensive!

Mikey demonstrating the skeet shooter

Could I have possibly found one of Saddams sandles? Through the wonders and advancement of DNA research, I could create an exact duplicate of him, however, I would manipulate his overwhelming desire for death and repression to an immense passion for fluffy bunnies and puppies!!