One of the first books I read here was Philip Pullmans, "The Golden Compass". This work is part 1 of a trilogy, "His Dark Materials". They are actually a series of childrens books that contain adult overtones that led to quite a bit of outcry over its anti-religious themes. You'd really have to dig deep to find that message, besides you probably would not care. it is a very enjoyable read and the movie was excellent too, visually stunning! Next up part 2: "The Subtle Knife" and part 3: "The Amber Spyglass, I'm looking forward to both. Book and Movie. I would like to thank Jean from Behnkes, this book-set was a gift from her before I left for Iraq. A perfect fit for me from a wonderful woman and friend!

I'll do some "Star Wars" titles together since I do read a lot of them. There are endless novels written in the SW Universe, so many even I have a hard time keeping up with them. These novels are a hit-or-miss deal. There are spin-offs in every direction possible with many authors writing them. A good "Star Wars" novel reads just like a movie, fast action, whitty humor and a certain flow I can only associate with the SW Universe. The First book, "Darth Bane: Path of Destruction" , by Drew karpyshyn, chronicles the origin and rise of one of the most powerful Sith Lords known to the Lucas Realm. An enjoyable read, many of the books reveal things that explain phrases or history of characters and sects in the movies. Interesting tidbits: Darth Bane (Originally named Dessel), chose his Title because his ultra-abusive father called him "The Bane of my existence." and once Bane rose to power he implemented the Sith "Rule of two", one master, one apprentice. No more, no less. Very cool stuff that makes a uber-nerd like me go"SHA-WING!

In the Trilogy "Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Inferno" by Troy Denning. Follows the future of both the Jedi and Sith conflict with the major players being the Skywalkers and Solos, their grown Jedi children and an array of new Jedi players. Lots of family conflict and saber action! Fun book, I did read it out of out of order but these books blend real easy.
Third for now is Michael Reeves/Steve Perrys "Star Wars: Death Star". This chronicles the construction of..."....THE MOST POWERFUL WEAPON IN THE UNIVERSE!!" Oops, sorry, had to do that, LOL. The story follows the rise of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin as he oversees construction of the super-weapon for the Emperor. So-far-so good. I am actually in the early stages of this book but I am enjoying it. You all know the role played so regally played by Peter Cushing.
On the more hard-core science fiction front Alastair Reynolds' "Redemption Ark" really impressed me and confused me at the same time! LOL! The author is a British astrophysicist and gets very in-depth and technical with time travel, space travel and other space related sciences. Difficult reading at times but I couldn't put it down. Another chapter ina trilogy I read out of sequence, but I don't think it will matter when i read the others. The story involves the human race reaching a point in evolution that triggers an attack by an alien race to "send us back to the stone age". Do we stand and fight or do we run with a ship-full of people and start over elsewhere?????????? Loved it and I can't wait to stock up on Reynolds' complete library!

James Pattersons, " Maximum Ride: Saving the World and other extreme sports". This is newest in a line of Maximum Ride novels. The story originates and follows a group of Avian/Human engineered Children that escape from their captors and all the adventures that follow. Very fun, very fast paced and you can expect to see these movies in the theaters soon. Max is the eldest of the six mutant bird-kids that must stop a plot to kill a majority of earths population to re-start a new , better, human race.

"The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God". Carl Sagan, The Cosmos, enough said! I grew up watching him with my Dad every week and now I have started enjoying his books. In "Varieties" Sagan delves into both theories, Evolution and Creation. Without expressing his beliefs, he presents the pros and cons for both sides. This is a crazy ride! He gets into pretty heavy scientific theory at times but in the end you want to believe both sides.
"Horizons" by Mary Rosenblum is a tale of revolution that takes place on man-made platforms(cities) floating above the atmosphere in orbit. The particular platform, called NYUp has resident with their own people, culture and values. Now they want their independence form Earth. The main character, Ahni Huang gets caught in the middle of the reveolution and family politics. Excellent read, a very cool look into the future.