So.....Enough about me already, what's happening with all of you?? I'd like to open a thread to post stories, quotes, happenings and pictures of everyone to see what i'm missing. I can cut and paste stories from emails, share your vacation pictures, announce new babies and even announce engagements, like Brett & Laurie Bibbo, Christines younger sister! I've had the pleasure of meeting them a few times and they are a great pair. Truely some wonderful people come from the Lake Region. Congrats to you both and your families! Do I see another beach wedding in the future? Ben and I will be sure to take the train up this time and leave the car behind!!!
Speaking of Ben, he took in another pup needing a home. "Herman" is the newest addition to the pack, his owner moved south and was unable to keep him. From what he described, she was heartbroken. She'll be happy to know he is gonna be as spoiled as the rest of them. We have now surpassed Brady/Partridge numbers and are moving into Rural town Idaho population" size! He's a little guy, about 10 lbs. yet your typical Jack Russell Terrier "warp speed" attitude. All reports are good so far, he is getting along with everyone well and proving to be a good match for Samantha. I don't know if Herman is a permanent addition, but Ben seems to be very attached to him so, who knows? I will have ben email pics and I will post them as soon as possible. I believe my first leave period will be February 1st- 10th and I am excited to get home and see the family and meet the new guy.
Brother John turned 42 on October 17th and to celebrate he went to see his boy Bruce Springsteen at Madison Square Garden, DAMN! How convenient!! It would seem as oldBrucie-boy had the show in NYC just for his biggest fan!! I had to drive all the way to Richmond to see TOOL on my birthday this year! But it was worth the effort and makes the day memorable. Maybe I can get John to write a quick review of the show so I can post it on here. Also a footnote to John, I don't dislike Bruce anymore, my taste in music has matured through the years as have I!!

"...I want a new drug." Huey Lewis and the News
Somehow I don't think this is what Mr. Lewis and the News were referring to when they wrote that song, so let me apologize in advance. One of our MP buddies that comes by brought an information bulletin from the Collier County Sheriff's Office, Criminal Intelligence Bureau about a new found way to get high. Ladies and dirtbags welcome, JENKEM: also known as winnie, shit, runners, fruit from crack pipe, Leroy Jenkems, might, butthash (my personal favorite) and waste.
Jenkem is a homemade substance which consists of fecal matter and urine. It originated in Africa and other third world countries by fermenting raw sewage to create a gas which is inhaled to achieve a high. It is now popular in American schools!
The fecal matter and urine are placed in a bottle or jar and covered most commonly with a balloon. The container is then placed in a sunny area for several hours or days until fermented. The contents of the container will seperate and release a gas, which is captured in the balloon. Inhaling the gas is said to have a euphoric high similar to ingesting cocaine but with strong hallucinations of times past. Once ingested the onset of the high takes approximatly 10 seconds with the most severe hallucinations happening in about 20 minutes. Several articles indicate that the subject immediatly passes out after ingesting the gas then regains a magical/hallucinogenic state within seconds of regaining consciousness. The high has been described by subjects as a feeling of "being out of it" and talking to dead people. The feeling of "being out of it" may last for several hours or days. All subjects who used jenkem disliked the taste of sewage in their mouth and the fact that the taste lasted for several days. Duh!!??
Well, everyone enlightened to the stupidity of your fellow homosapiens? This has got to be the funniest, yet pathetic thing I have EVER heard in my life! Nothing about people surprises me anymore, knowing one is capable of something like this. Feel free to comment and/or projectile vomit away from your computer.
Christine does NYC.......the marathon, that is!!
Congrats to Christine (Bibbo-Herr, Herr-Bibbo, Herrbo, Bibberr or Cougar-Mellencamp! Not sure how you guys worked the last name thing) on her 2007 completion of the NYC Marathon. A Herculean task just to finish, this petite power-house gunned the streets in a whopping 3 hours and 47 minutes, just enough time for John to catch an early showing of "Bee Movie" and grab a sandwich. Just kidding, he was able to see her twice throughout the course and he commented, "it looked like she was out for a 3 mile jog. Amazing." Too bad she couldn't have made it over here for the Baghdad Marathon, in an unfortunate burka accident, there was a 100 female pile-up at the start resulting in injuries and all contestants unable to finish the race! She would have been a shoe-in, and taken home prize pure-bred racing Camel. Wow, that was a bad attempt at humor!!!
Big news from the lovely ladies of Southern Connecticut State University.....
..........Now, was I dreaming or did I actually go to that school???? Wait a minute, I did but I was drunk for those 5 years, LOL, what a CRAZY time we had! Boy do I miss those days!!!......or do I, I can't remember!!??
Anyway, two of my favorite SCSU girls emailed me with BIG news! Sheryl, I withold last names for privacy, former RN of Neff Hall (was that right? Neff? Damn Jack Daniels!) was engaged to be married prior to my comin goverseas. She has since tied the knot with her new husband, Tom. The two honeymooned on a cruise in Bermuda. Now, come to find out Sher is pregnant! Please join me in a huge Congrats to the newly-Weds/ new parents!! She is due on Jan. 16th, no word on the sex yet but either way that kid has it made with her as a Mom and undoubtably Tom as a Dad! With her permission I will post afew pics of the wedding when I get them!
The other fine SCSU alum is Joan, she is tying the knot as well in April, I have not gotten any more info on her hus-to-be yet, but it will be forthcoming! Big congrats to them as well, se did say that she has two adult step-sons and no plans for other children yet but..........who knows what can happen! So, sendd me pictures I can post up here ladies!
Whenever Joan pops up I have to say "Hello" to her sister Irene, two of the cutest and sweetest siblings you'd ever meet! I can't wait to see all of them, best wishes for a wonderful Holiday to you all from Me, Ben and the canines!