So, Happy Halloween to everyone! This has always been my favorite Holiday as far back as I can remember. I use to spend a lot of time, money and effort on costumes and parties in my younger days, especially in college and shortly after. In recent years we have always gone to our friends, Bruce and Keiths parties at their house in DC. They always throw a great party, lots of great food and people. The food is usually in costume as well, a few years back someone made a cake and put it in a cat litter box (new box I hope!!) crushed up cookies on top to look like litter and drizzled chunks of chocolate in a few places to make it look used. It made your stomach turn, it looked so real. Needless to say it barely got touched by the time we left.

I was surprised to hear that the Firehouse was the location for the KBR Halloween party every year. I wasn't aware until too late so no costume for me. KBR: Kellog, Brown and Root, is the Contractor that WSLLC works under. We are a sub-contractor that provides Firefighting services in Iraq.

Around 8am that morning the House was crawling with KBR employees setting up for the party inside the truck bay. They were fast and creative, by mid afternoon it was done and looking good. Balloons, ghosts, huge spiders/webs, pumpkins/jack-o-lanterns and plenty of candy littered the room. Things were ready to roll!
Besides the set up people, folks started arriving early. Slowly the bay filled with people and the DJ kicked in, the party was in full swing. I grabbed my camera and got a bunch of pictures I will post asap. There were alot of interesting costumes.........and a few scary!! By scary I mean a grown man in a diaper with a bottle and a man in drag as a Lilly munster/grandmother looking thing...VERY disturbing! Everyone paraded around for about a 1/2 hour and they handed out the prizes for a number of catagories.

The organizers then asked for 10 people for a pumpkin eating contest, Our Captain wanted us to be represented so I was drafted into service! A call above and beyond my scope of duty which I accepted with pride!! LOL!! Just kidding. Anyway, it was fun and a great way to eat dessert before my dinner. Initially there was a 2 min contest that resulted in 4 finalist and a 30 second eat-off. I ended up victorious but the gentleman on my left was a very close second!! Those pictures will be posted tonight, my buddy (and twin) Greg took a bunch of great pictures of me gorging myself, not able to breath due to pumpkin up my nose. It was fun but gross!

So a Happy Halloween to all you Pagan beeotches! It's over now but I hope you all safely enjoyed your Al-Hallow-Even! Here is a link to Wikipedia to learn a little more about my favorite holiday!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halloween Pictures to follow!