It's official..... I have a following! My friend JD, here in Iraq, with the 101st Airbourne Division has a weekly article about his experiences in the Iraq war in his hometown of Barneveld, Wisconsin. The article is featured weekly in "The Dodgeville Chronicle". My finger incident made such an impact he decided to include it in his column. Now the world, or a small part, can read about my shenanigans! So first a little Geography lesson, where in the world is Barneveld??? Lets check the map!
JD was kind enough to give me a copy of the weekly article and I had planned on posting it here for all to see. I tried to scan it and was successful but the format was not recognized by "Blogger". Unfortunatly there is no on-line version of the Dodgeville Chronicle but I swear I am in it!! I also hear there is a fan-club forming in the area!!