A couple of months ago we inspected the K9 unit on South Victory. The kennels are located about 1/4 mile down the road from our station. Of course, being an animal lover I thought it to be a great photo op. A big thank you to all the trainers for bringing out the pups. K9 "working dogs" are not merely a pet, but usually a specific breed of dog with the ability to learn and perform a set of tasks. These gifted animals train on a daily basis, wether it be to detect explosives or cadavers, they are utilized as a valuable tool in the war on terror.
Military working dogs first officially entered the service in 1942, although they were utilized in the first World War (1914-1918) in what became the Armys first K9 Corp. Today the dogs, who have an actual military service record book, are commonly described as, "More than a dog, a soldier, a partner." In World War II, 436 scout dogs walked scout patrols overseas, often detecting enemies at 1000 yards, long before men could be aware of them. During the Vietnam War nearly 4000 dogs were employed and officially 281 were killed in action. As of 2004 there were 2300 dogs employed by the Department of Defense, a majority of them being German and Dutch Shepards. Enjoy these pics of my new best friends!!
We had a great time hanging out with the dogs and their handlers, although you must understand their purpose and what they are capable of doing, in a social atmosphere these pups just want their belly rubbed just like you and me.....er, I meant like our dogs....woof!
I can never say no to kisses!
Sportin the "Doggles", these are actual eye-wear designed for Canines and utilized by the Military for the harsh iraqi climate
Please can I keep him, he followed me home from the Mosque!!!
This is where the phrase, "Dog-faced Soldier" must have come from!The team.
Pam and the Pup.
Another Team.
Playtime is over..............