Friday, April 17, 2009


OK, more fun stuff from your favorite Firestation in Baghdad! FYI, we all agreed today at breakfaast that we are doing a 2010 Station calendar so look for that at a Hallmark store near you, LOL!!! On with the pictures........

Lets start off on a scary note......this was dubbed "Tight Shirt Tuesday", even though it was on a Friday. It didn't fit the rhyme scheme. Hide your eyes!

Smitty...... not so tight

getting worse....

Now that is just WRONG!!

and so is this! Enough of tight shirt Tuesday, now we need intense therapy Thursday!!

Onto Balloon Fellatio Friday, LOL!! Another proud display at Station 2!

Surprisingly there was no alcohol or drugs involved in these pictures, lol, just good ole man-love Monday!! LOL!!!

Cody seems awfully good at that!!??

Come to LT. Bitch!!

Definitly not the pictures for current, future wives, employers or gay rights activists!!

So I know you are asking, "What happens in Iraq when you can't make it to work on-time?"

Well, you get a wake up call............... and it ain't pretty!!

LT. Nelson getting his wake-up call!

Is that??? NO Freaking way!!! LORI late for work????

I had no idea that Cassidy was such a big fan of Mario Lopez..... but not his clothes??

We found this room set-up for some nasty video chat so Richardson showed us how he does it, no sleep for us tonight!!

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