At Nana's house in New Jersey
Dad and Charlie
I'd like to say this was caused by static electricity but...
My High School graduation, 1985
Mom posted this on Facebook, she said it was taken at a Settlers Dance around 1964. What a great picture.
The Wedding of the Century!!
I am always amazed at photos from the past, they always look so classic.
So the big question is..... Did she smush cake in his face after the picture was taken???
Mom's side of the family, look at little Laura with the devious grin on her face!!
The Wedding Party.
The newly weds with Dad's parents.
More to come as soon as possible!
There is no place on earth where death cannot find us- even if we constantly twist our heads about in all directions as in a dubious and suspect land.... If there were any way of sheltering from death's blows- I am not the man to recoil from it....But it is madness to think you can succeed....
Men come and go and they trot and they dance, and never a word about death. All well and good. Yet when death does come- to them, their wives, their children, their friends- catching them unaware and unprepared, then what storms of passion overwhelm them, what cries, what fury, what despair!
To begin depriving death of its greatest advantage over us, let us adopt a way clean contrary to that common one; let us deprive death of its strangeness, let us frequent it, let us get used to it; let us have nothing more often in mind than death.... We do not know where death awaits us: so let us wait for it everywhere. To practice death is to practice freedom. A man who has learned how to die has unlearned how to be a slave.
A few other quotes on death & dying.......
Death is a vast mystery, but there are two things that we can say about it: It is absolutly certain that we will die, and it is uncertain when or how we will die.
The continuous work of our life is to build death.
Kings and philosophers defecate, and so do ladies. (Not a quote about death, but interesting none the less!)
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