It is every Firefighters fear that they will be called to respond to their own home, place of work or a friends home. Thank fully none of those situations happened to us but we did lose a generator on the 28th of August. We get our power from two large generators out behind the Firehouse. They alternate so one is working at all times while the other is being cleaned or maintained. I was sitting in my room at the computer with a fan running in the background when I heard the fan motor slow down....then speed up....then slow down again. This has happened in the past, generally it has meant the generator that is running has run low on fuel. I went to the sitting area and told the dispatcher what was happening. When I got back to my room my radio went off, for a generator fire behind the station.
By the time we got there it was put out by some KBR employees with a couple of extinguishers and there was a huge cloud of dry-chem obscuring the view of the generator itself. The incident was over before it started so I grabbed a few snapshots to share.
Extinguisher powder, not smoke
Captain taking control of the scene
KBR Fire dudes checking out our mess
Is life really that boring that we are taking pictures of this shit????
Greg, preceeded by his belly wherever he goes
Something tells me that hole is not suppose to be there
What a F-ing mess!!
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