I wasn't going to post anything about this ultra-cool, futuristic defensive weapon, however, after some googling I found there is plenty of information on the net so it can't be but so secret. We had incoming the other day and the C-Ram fired once, we walked outside to see the tracers and "BA!!BA!!BA!!BA!!BA!!BA!!BA!!BA!!BA!!BABA!!BA!!!" , it went off again, then there was a loud bang and debis started falling from the sky, red hot pieces of the incoming. Now, aside from this being one of the coolest things I have seen here to date, it scared the living shit out of me! Inside it does not sound so bad but when we stepped out that door and it went off it caught me by surprised and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I moved 15 feet, twords the door, without even knowing it. When it goes off, firing up to 75 armor piercing rounds/sec. (thats 4500 rounds/minute!!) and you are nearby, you are gonna jump. I've heard them from inside the Firehouse many times and I don't even flinch, it sounds like a chainsaw. This thing is bad-ass so how about a little info and a website.......
C-RAM, stands for Counter Rocket, Artillery and Mortar system and you can check out the website here:
C-RAM, stands for Counter Rocket, Artillery and Mortar system and you can check out the website here:


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